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  • Singapore
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  • 27 Mar 2022

Divided by borders, united in happiness.

The month of Ramadan has always been equated with the goodwill offerings that we can provide for others who are less fortunate. With the spirit of this holy month and staying true to our Culture of Care initiatives, our colleagues from SD Guthrie International Trading Private Ltd. (SDOTPL), located in Singapore, have made a concerted effort to give back to our community by donating a total of RM12,000 (SGD 3920.00) to Pusat Jagaan Baitul Maghrifah Suria at Labis Segamat, Johor, Malaysia.

The donations were raised by the employees of SDOTPL together with their families and friends in providing nutritious meals for the children as well as the volunteers during the Ramadan month. Aside from that, these funds will also be used to restore and improve the newly-secured building for the orphanage alongside any ongoing needs in accommodating more children in need.

Initially, a physical visit was planned to hand over the donations and to organize interactive activities with the kids, however, due to the Singapore-Malaysia border restriction, the funds were electronically transferred to the orphanage.

With the recent announcement of “200 Years of Volunteerism” (200YoV) from the Group Managing Director of Sime Darby Plantation, employees of Sime Darby Plantation and SD Guthrie International are encouraged to take part in making the world a better place by joining Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)